Kleiner Klopfer
Kleiner Klopfer: uncomplicated, legendary, diverse – simply celebrate together!
Kleiner Klopfer is synonymous with an entire category and the basis for every good party. The Kleiner Klopfer drinking ritual is cult and an integral part of our drinking culture. As soon as the loud knocking of the colourful bottles is heard, a good mood is guaranteed.
Of course you already know all this, but perhaps we can tell you a little more about us and our products here on our website.

Kleiner Klopfer Fun Mix

Kleiner Klopfer Crazy Mix

Kleiner Klopfer Lady Mix

Kleiner Klopfer Sour Mix

Kleiner Klopfer Sunshine Mix

Kleiner Klopfer Snow Mix

Kleiner Klopfer Fig
Why eat figs when you can also drink them? With our real fig liqueur, you’re sure to make the right choice.

Kleiner Klopfer Sour Cherry
A special type of cherry? Yes and no – there are around 250 different types of sour cherry. But this one is definitely one of the most liquid and delicious varieties.

Kleiner Klopfer Peppermint
Deliciously refreshing peppermint – as we all know, peppermint works at every party.

Kleiner Klopfer Cream
The best or the worst? Even yin and yang would disagree on this one. But one thing is clear – you get a unique and creamy cream liqueur with characterising whisky notes.

Kleiner Klopfer Little Plum
Danger of addiction! One of the first products and an absolute classic that has been convincing for decades.